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steppe of Kazachstan

like Mongolia Kazachstan is mostly steppe. alto it looks very different, greener and a lot hotter, up to 50 degrees Celsius. an taste of what to come in Uzbekistan. I left the mountains behind in russia and only saw them again when I started entering the border zone with kirgizstan starting near shymkent. (where this time lapse ends)

I had some rain, but it won't make the heat disappear. also he ground is as dry as it gets in most places. and almost got stuck when I tried to camp in an dried up mud field. the wheel just sank in 8 cm. but luckily managed to get out.

Also I think my camera has problems coping with the heat. its almost constant in the sun. it kept tuning off after a while. I now moved the camera a bit back in the car, so its out of the sun. this makes taking lifters a bit harder as the camera rig takes some passenger space. I sometimes take lifters. it quite common here for locals to get a ride. the longest now is 40 km. even had 2 bankers back in Mongolia. they where caring when I asked what ws in it a box full of money.because the off the camera problems aim missing a lot of the distance driven in this time lapse. also the focus is sometimes not good. and again all the fotos where scrambled. I did my best to put them in order again but there might be some errors.

Saw numerous old Silk Road settlements, most of them in ruins. can't belief they walk al this distance. below are some pictures of Sauron city. a walled city. all what now remains is some ruins from the wall and the main walkway that is played with stones.

Sauron city

the reconstructed wall of Sauron city

a MIG monument in Shymkent

the mountains near Shymkent

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